Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Planting Seeds...

Where to start....

All grand schemes start with a seed... an idea. This scheme probably started the moment I left Auckland after a one week trip to visit my friend Trina (who I met while teaching English in Gunma, Japan with the JET Program). One week on the north island had nowhere near satiated my desire to see New Zealand. If anything it made me more hungry! I started searching for visas the moment I touched down back in Japan.

A lot has changed since I initially hatched this scheme to re-visit New Zealand, but I am looking forward to the opportunity to experience another way of life and learn more about myself in the process.

I am excited to leave, but also sad to say a temporary farewell to family and friends here in Washington. So many people have been supportive and encouraging as I have prepared for this trip. I hope this blog with help me stay connected and share my experiences with old friends back home and new ones I meet along with way.

Well, here goes nothing!

Wellington, NZ January 2012